◾Smartico DWH \ CRM views
This page is describing dimensional and fact tables related to the CRM module
Dimensional tables
List of possible "activities" that can be used to build a Flow for the scheduled & real-time campaigns. There are activities like "Send SMS", "Send Mail", "Give Bonus", "Stop campaign" etc.
There are essential activities that exist in any campaign, like
Journey start (1) - represents the fact that the campaign started
Journey stopped (2) - represents the stop of the campaign
Journey Converted (3) - represents the fact that the campaign was converted
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
activity_type_id | int64 | |
activity_name | string |
The list of campaigns. Includes both real-time and scheduled.
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
audience_id | int64 | |
audience_name | string | |
audience_status_id | int64 | 1 - Draft 2 - Active 3 - Paused 4 - Disabled 5 - Archived 6 - Executed (for Scheduled only) |
audience_exec_type_id | int64 | 1 - Realtime campaign of Marketing category 2 - Realtime campaign of Operational category 3 - Scheduled campaign of Marketing category 4 - Scheduled campaign of Operational category |
category_id | int64 | 1 - Marketing campaign 2 - Operational campaign |
segment_id | int64 | ID of the segment, targeted by the campaign |
Communication resources (templates) of all types, e.g. SMS, popups, emails, etc.
Note that the list includes both - main resources and variations of the main resources
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
resource_id | int64 | |
resource_name | string | |
resource_subject | string | Subject line for Mail, Push, Inbox For SMS will contain a full body of SMS For Popups and IVR will be null, as these resource types don't have a concept close to the 'subject'. Note that string can contain tags that are replaced during the actual building of the resource for specific user |
resource_type_id | int64 | 1 - Mail 2 - Popup 3 - SMS 4 - Push 5 - Inbox 9 - IVR |
The table contains information about segment's names, types, status and the times of creation and last update.
Column | Type | Note |
segment_id | int64 | ID of the segment |
create_date | timestamp | Date and time when the segment was created |
update_date | timestamp | Date and time when the segment was last updated |
segment_name | string | Name of the segment |
segment_status_id | int64 | Status of the segment: 1 - Active, 2 - Archived |
segment_type_id | int64 | Type of segment: 1 - State based, 2 - Imported from CSV, 3 - Deprecated, 4 - Behavioural |
Example of query that returns list of the active segments with their descriptions and counts the number of active campaigns that the segment is currently used in.
List of all sms sent with their label, id, provider name and type, and create and update times.
Column | Type | Note |
create_date | timestamp | Time when this communication provider is defined |
update_date | timestamp | Time when this communication provider is last updated |
id | int64 | ID of the communication provider |
provider_name | string | Name of the exact provider |
provider_type | string | Name of the overall service provider |
List of all emails sent with their label, id, provider name and type, and create and update times.
Column | Type | Note |
create_date | timestamp | Time when this communication provider is defined |
update_date | timestamp | Time when this communication provider is last updated |
id | int64 | ID of the communication provider |
provider_name | string | Name of the exact provider |
provider_type | string | Name of the overall service provider |
List of all bonus templates with their label, id, type and name.
Column | Type | Note |
label_id | int64 | The id of the label to which this bonus templated belongs |
label_bonus_template_id | int64 | The id of the bonus template for the specified label |
product_bonus_type_id | int64 | Id that indicates the bonus type |
public_name | string | Bonus template name |
Fact tables
Includes all the attribution value data. You can read more about attribute value here
Partitioned by: event_date
Data availability: last 180 days by event_date
Primary key: id
Note: the data can mutate over the time and depends if the deposit events are delivered with delay
Column | Type | Note |
id | int64 | The incremental id of the calculation fact |
event_date | timestamp | The date when the attribution event (deposit) happened |
resource_id | int64 | FK: dm_resource, main resource that was used for the communication |
audience_id | int64 | FK: dm_audience, the campaign that triggered communication |
value | numeric | The attribution amount in the label base currency that resource+campaign generated. |
raw_value | numeric | The raw deposit amount in the original deposit currency |
converted_value | numeric | The deposit amount converted to the label base currency |
event_id | int64 | The id of the attribution event (deposit) on smartico side |
engagement_id | int64 | Reference to the j_engagements, represents the point in the Campaign/Flow from where the communication was triggered |
root_engagement_id | int64 | Reference to the j_engagements, represents the "root" point in the Campaign/Flow from where the communication was triggered |
kpi_impact_id | int64 | The id of the attribution value impact 1 - Because of resource delivery 2 - Because the user has an impression on the resource 3 - Because the user has interaction with the resource (click) 4 - Indirect impact, when nothing from above happened |
default_currency | string | The base currency of the label |
user_id | int64 | The user id of the user who made the deposit |
calculated_ts | timestamp | Timestamp when the calculation happened |
Example of query that returns attribute value per campaign (audience_id)
Example of query that returns conversion of specific user per campaign, including the time of conversion
This includes all communications sent to the end-user and all possible outcomes (fact_type_id) of these communications, like failure of delivery, impressions, clicks, etc.
Ideas to understand communications concept
the communication is always triggered by some "activity" from the campaign. This activity is referenced by engagement_id or engagement_uid. Such "activity" is part of the campaign, where the starting point of the campaign (the fact that the user entered into the campaign) is presented by the root_engagement_uuid & root_engagement_create_date. The campaign definition itself if presented by root_audience_id
The first fact that happens for communication is CREATE, after that, it is usually either SENT and DELIVERED or FAILED. It can be later seen by the end-user (IMPRESSION) and CLICKED. Users can also OPTOUT from the communication by following the "opt-out" link in the resource. For Inbox type of message, the user can also READ it and DELETE
The communication is always connected to some resource (template), presented as resource_id, and in case the resource has variations, by the resource_variation_id
Note that smartico is tracking the fact of any communication only 30 days after it's created
Partitioned by: fact_date
Data availability: last 180 days by fact_date
Primary key: engagement_id + fact_type_id + fact_date
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
fact_date | timestamp | The date/time when fact happened |
user_id | int64 | |
fact_type_id | int64 | CREATE = 1 SENT = 2 IMPRESSION = 3 CLICK = 4 FAIL = 5 DELIVERED = 6 OPTOUT = 7 READ = 8 (for Inbox only) DELETE = 9 (for Inbox only) |
fact_details | string | for CLICK fact - the link that was clicked for FAIL - the detailed reason for fail |
activity_type_id | int64 | Type of activity that triggered that communication (FK: dm_activity_type) |
engagement_uid | uuid | Reference to the j_engagements, represents the point in the Campaign/Flow from where the communication was triggered |
resource_id | int64 | FK: dm_resource, main resource |
resource_variation_id | int64 | FK: dm_resource, specific variation of the resource |
root_audience_id | int64 | FK: dm_audience, the campaign that triggered communication |
root_engagement_uuid | uuid/string | Reference to the j_engagements, represents the "root" point in the Campaign/Flow from where the communication was triggered |
root_engagement_create_date | timestamp | The date when the campaign that triggered specific communication is started for the user |
engagement_id | int64 | Similar to engagement_uid, but in the int64 presentation |
communication_id | int64 | The unique ID of the communication will be the same for all facts through which the communication is transitioning. The ID id generated on the fact CREATE(1) |
audience_category_id | int64 | Category of the campaign. 1 - Marketing 2 - Operational |
external_id | string | ID of the communication assigned by the external gateway at the moment when the external gateway accepted communication from Smartico |
label_provider_id | int64 | ID of the communication provider (dm_providers_mail and dm_providers_sms) |
planned_send_date | timestamp | In some setups, the campaign that creates communication is scheduling delivery for a later time, in such case planned_send_date will reflect this date |
fail_reason_id | int64 | ID of the fail reason, FK: dm_com_fail_reason |
user_ext_id | string | The ID of the user in the operator system |
crm_brand_id | int64 | ID of the brand in the Smartico system |
Example of query that returns counts of communication by status and provider for the past 7 days.
The table represents the steps of how the user enters the campaign, exits it, converts, and goes through all the "activities" of the Flow defined in the campaign.
The table represents the recursive structure of user transition over the campaign graph.
For most of the use cases, you will need to analyze only records that have activity_type_id as one of
1 - represents the start of the campaign
2 - stop the campaign
3 - conversion of campaign
The table structure below describes only essential fields that could be used to analyze the campaign performance. If you need a deeper analysis, please contact support@smartico.ai for an explanation.
Partitioned by: create_date
Data availability: last 180 days by create_date
Primary key: engagement_id or engagement_uid
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
engagement_id | int64 | unique id |
engagement_uid | uuid/string | same as unique id, but uuid presentation |
root_audience_id | int64 | FK: dm_audience |
create_date | timestamp | time when user got this activity |
user_id | int64 | |
root_engagement_id | int64 | reference to the same table pointing to the starting point of this campaign for the specific user |
root_engagement_create_date | timestamp | The date when the campaign is started for a specific user |
activity_type_id | int64 | FK: dm_activity_type |
user_ext_id | string | The ID of the user in the operator system |
resource_id | int64 | ID of the resource if the activity is related to the communication. Important that the field is populated retrospectively every night at 3 UTC |
expected_stop_date | timestamp | Expected stop date/time of the campaign, set as create_date of the activity_type_id = 1 (start of the campaign) + campaign duration set in the BackOffice. Note that the campaign can be forcefully stopped inside the flow using "Stop" activity |
ab_target | boolean | Indicating if the current element in the campaign flow was set as an AB test target for the communication element followed this target |
Example of query that returns
data of label 2305
users entered campaign 793485 after 20/11/2023
and converted in this campaign
The table represents the history of bonuses given to users, including all the attempts to issue bonuses through the API provided by the platform.
Each bonus fact can be represented in the table multiple times, where each time it reflects the change in the lifecycle of the bonus. The status of the bonus is refllected in the column bonus_status_id with possible values:
1 - NEW
Partitioned by: fact_date
Data availability: last 180 days by fact_date
Primary key: bonus_id
Table structure:
Column | Type | Note |
fact_date | timestamp | the date of the fact |
bonus_id | int65 | unique ID of the transaction preserved for all facts of this transaction |
user_id | int64 | Smartico user ID |
user_ext_id | string | The ID of the user in the operator system |
crm_brand_id | int64 | ID of the brand in the Smartico system |
bonus_status_id | int64 | status of bonus as explained above |
label_bonus_template_id | int64 | ID of template in the smartico system |
source_product_id | int64 | ID of the sub-system that issued the bonus, e.g. 0 - Campaign 9 - Automation rule 100 - Gamification 125 - Dynamic Bonuses engine 126 - Manual bonus 5000 - Store 8000 - Tournament 8001 - Mini-game for Retention user 8002 - Mini-game for Visitor |
entity_id | int64 | ID of the entity related to the source_product_id that issued the bonus. e.g. If issued by the Automation Rule, this ID will represent ID of the rule. |
root_audience_id | int64 | Similar to the entity_id, but should be used for the Campaign reference |
error_code | int64 | Error code in case of failed to issue bonus |
error_message | string | The detailed error message |
Example of query that returns final statuses of bonuses in the defined period
Example of query to get transactions issued from Dynamic Bonuses engine
Last updated