Activity: SMS, Viber and WhatsApp
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The SMS, Viber and WhatsApp activities are used for sending a communication to the end users via SMS, Viber, or WhatsApp and they are considered to be an offline communication since they do not require the user to be online. This type of communication can be sent only from Campaigns - Real-time and Scheduled.
Inside the flow builder the SMS, Viber, WhatsApp activities are located in the communication section and have the following options in common:
Provider - choosing the SMS, Viber, or WhatsApp provider that will be used for sending the communication. You can also choose the Automatic Selection (multi-brand setup).
Automatic Selection (multi-brand setup) - used to automatically select the first gateway that meets the conditions. By default, the first condition is Brand, but you can add more user properties. This gives you more flexibility when you want to filter a specific segment of users to use a different gateway, for example.
‘Override ‘from’ name - you can override the 'from' name that will be used when sending the communication.
Allowed Communication hours - used to define how the flow should behave if the time of the sending is in the ‘Do not Disturb’ period of the user.
Opt-out status impact - The opt-out status for communications can be set from both sides - Platform and Smartico side. Opt-out status impact is used to define if communication should be blocked or sent based on opt-out status defined on the Platform side and in Smartico.
SMS & Viber are respecting flags stored in: - core_is_sms_disabled_by_platform (managed by Platform) - core_is_sms_disabled (managed by Smartico)
WhatsApp is respecting only flag core_is_whatsapp_disabled (managed by Platform)
Caps status impact - used to define if communication should be blocked or sent based on caps defined on the user and/or global level.
SMS, Viber or WhatsApp message - used to add the asset that will be sent to players, where you can define the message content. Before sending any communication via SMS, Viber, or WhatsApp, the corresponding asset must be created. You can also add multiple message variations for A/B testing, allowing you to test different versions and optimize engagement. When adding a second variation, you can specify the percentage of the audience that will receive each version, ensuring controlled message distribution.