Create Journey Flow

Canvas activities include messages, decisions, updates, or a combination of these elements, dragged onto the Journey Builder canvas. In a Multi-Step journey, the activities you configure affect each contact until they reach a goal or the end of the journey.

You can also split the activities within the journey. For example start the journey for a certain population of Roulette users for example, and then at some point in the journey to separate them into 2 paths – Female users will continue in path A and Male users in path B.

Activities appear in the builder panel according to their headings:

Flow Designer

  1. Communication

    • Email (see “Email templates” for more information)

    • Popup (see “Popup templates” for more information)

    • SMS (see “SMS” for more information)

    • Inbox (see “Inbox” for more information)

    • IVR Call (see “IVR” for more information)

    • Slack message – Send slack message to your organization with alerts concerning the campaign

    • Mail to Risk – Send mail to your Risk department for suspicious activities

    • Mail to Support – Send mail to your Support Center to notify them about stages in a campaign that a single user finished

  2. Actions

    • Deep Link Use deep links to direct the players to specific sections in the Smartico widget, or pages on your site.

    • JS Code (i.e Open cashier)

    • Web Hook Use external APIs directly from the flow builder

    • Send a Slack or Mail to Support/Risk In any given moment in a user journey, the operator can send an email to their support/risk team notifying them about something that has happened. E.g. campaign start on Deposit Approved >1000, send a mail to Risk; Campaign start on Bet Settled with win amount >5000 on Table Tennis, send slack to management.

  3. Loyalty & Gamification

    • Add Bonus (see “Bonus templates” for more information)

    • Add Points

    • Give a manual mission

    • Give a Mini Game

    • Put the user in Gamification control group

  4. Flow Control

    • Funnel Marker Use funnel markers to count the users in each step, and to be selected and presented in the report BI

    • Delay Use delay after activity (deposit done -> delay 5 minutes -> send push)

    • Delay until Use delay until specific date, or day of the week (deposit done -> delay until Sunday -> send push)

    • Wait for Event (deposit done -> wait for event “total balance=0” -> send push)

    • Convert Campaign after specific activity

    • Stop Campaign after specific activity

    • Send the user to another campaign In any given micro moment you can send the user to another campaign

    • Split traffic You can split the traffic in any moment into different flows

See “Global Conversion/Stop rules” on campaigns for more information.

  1. User Profile

    • Update Property Update any custom property such as status, name etc

    • Check User Profile After certain activity you might want to check user profile for some change (i.e you want to communicate with a user and want to check if Push Notification status = ALLOW, IF YES -> Send push, IF NO -> Send SMS)

    • Mark/Unmark customer Create personalized tag after activity

  2. Other

    • Annotation Place comments on the canvas

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