❄️February 2021

Smartico release notes for February 2021, covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.


Multi-Currency support

Many operators run a multinational operation where users from all over the world play with different currencies, which has to be supported across the entire Marketing approach and be optimized for each user and his own coin value.

Multi-Currency support in Smartico.ai has been extended and can now be used in:

  • Missions

  • Segments

  • Journeys

Using this feature allows the operator to be very precise with offering to a player, while still maintaining good usability.

When choosing a property that is defined as “monetary” a multi-currency dropdown will appear where the operator will have to choose the amount they want to target in each separate currency. Default value will be used in case one of the currencies will be left empty. These amounts can be populated to each user based on his own currency and the configuration done by the operator.

In the example above, the “Last Deposit Amount” of the user will have to be either 100 EUR, 140 CAD, 75 GBP etc.

Currencies like JPY, ZAR and other non-configured ones, will have the value of the default.

Multi-Currency support - Missions

When configuring mission names and tasks within, you now have the option to define different amounts for different wallet currencies. This feature together with the use of label tags in the mission/task name will provide a customized user experience when it comes to ‘sum’ related tasks.

In the example below, you can see how this feature will function:

The configuration above means that users will see the set values that correlate to their currencies.

A user with “SEK” currency will see: Place a 500 SEK Casino Bet A user with “CAD” currency will see: Place a 100 CAD Casino Bet

{{amount}} refers to the amount configured in each currency based on the engaged user currency.

{{state.core_wallet_currency}} is a Smartico core tag (like First Name tag) which refers to the currency code of the engaged user.

This feature can also be used for mission description and unlocking description. When using the multi-currency for the naming of the mission description/names/unlocking description etc, make sure that the actual tasks correlate with the numbers you put.

This description of how to unlock the mission is configured as follows:

To correctly set up the unlocking task from the unlocking description in the above image, please see the following example of the task name and action to unlock:

In the above unlocking task users with currency AUD (non-configured) will see the default value: “Make 2 times 50 AUD Deposits to unlock”

In the above unlocking task users with currency JPY will see: “Make 2 times 2500 JPY Deposits to unlock”

Multi-Currency support - Segments

You can also use the multi-currency solution when creating segments and thus implement into both live and scheduled campaigns as shown below:

In the example segment above the users who will enter the segment:

  • More than 300 EUR in balance

  • More than 200 AUD in balance

  • More than 6000 JPY in balance

  • AND more than 100 GBP, or CAD/USD etc (default value since it is not set explicitly to these currencies)

Multi-Currency support - Journey (real-time and scheduled campaigns)

Start an event triggered campaign with specific requirements related to currencies, for example:

When Deposit is approved AND Deposit is greater than EUR:100 | USD:150 | JPY: 1000 The campaign will consider the user currency without converting it to base currency.

Another area where you can use this feature is within the journey flow builder when using the “Check user profile” action. Using this feature here will allow you to target specific currency balances within the campaign. See example below:

Exporting of Segments

From now on you can have the users list sent to your email account simply open the desired segment and click “Export Segment” on the top right corner of the screen.

You will then be prompted with the message confirming the export will be sent to your email registered with the account in a form of a link to a CSV download, and to allow push notifications on your browser to be notified once the export is done, and be able to download the CSV directly from the Push message.

Click the “Push notifications” link to subscribe:

Your browser will then ask you to confirm the Push approval:

Once the export is done you will receive a Push notifications with a link to download the file:

And an email:

The file will contain all users captured within the exported segment and will include both internal and external IDs. It will also specify the brand ID each one of these users is registered on.

Flow Builder: Activity change in middle of a flow

Until now if you wanted to change the order in the flow, you would have to archive that part in the flow and rewrite it.

You can now change and replace the order of activities in the flow builder canvas without having to prepare them from scratch.

For example in the case below you would like to change the SMS to be sent after the matching of the user profile check.

Instead of archiving the part of the flow followed by the event of “Wait for Deposit”, you can draw a new line between the “Check User Profile” and the SMS activity. You will then be asked if you are sure you want to change the flow, explaining the consequences of the change:

And by clicking the Save button, the flow will finally change:

Money tracking in campaigns

From now on it is possible to track the revenue coming from a specific campaign or from any separate resource (Email, SMS, Popup, Push notification), based on the action users took after the delivery of the resource.

To track the money value of a campaign, the campaign must have a conversion rule based on a “Deposit Approved” event as described below (or other monetary event like “Purchase completed”, “Added to Shopping Cart” etc, Please consult with your Account Manager regarding specific events and properties that are used for the monetary actions).

Manual Conversion Rule:

Or by a Global Conversion Rule:

Now that the campaign will keep track of the revenue generated, you can see the amounts growing in a new column introduced in the main view of Campaigns and Resources.

Campaign Revenue view:

Resource (Email) Revenue view:

The Revenue reflected from your campaigns is calculated by an algorithm we introduced which is taking into account The different actions the user takes after being engaged by the different communication resources and the different metrics (Impression, Delivery, Clicks). Marketing campaigns the user was participating at the time of “monetary action” (e.g. Deposit) Distance in time from the action the user did in the campaign, to the conversion action (“Deposit” in our example)

We have developed a complex mechanism to ensure the weight of metrics is distributed according to importance and priority, multiplied by the Time to Conversion from the resource to deposit. See 2 cases below as examples:

User received an Email (Delivered) → Opened, did not click → Made a €100 deposit The revenue for this campaign will be counted by Open (Impression) and Delivery of the email multiplied by the time (hour based) it took the user to be converted from the moment of the action (Delivery, Open).

User received an Email (Delivered) → Opened → Clicked → Made a €100 deposit The revenue for this campaign will go mostly to the click, as a stronger action that took place just before the conversion happened

Negative impact (Clicked OptOut) and undelivered Emails, SMS and other resources that will be involved in a converted campaign, which were naturally “missed” by the user, will be considered under “Indirect”.

Users that made a deposit and converted the campaign, but did not receive any communication during the campaign due to delivery failure, opt out etc, will still be counted in the campaign revenue and the source of impact would be “Indirect”.

When a user is engaged in more than one active campaigns, the Revenue will be distributed by our algorithm between those campaigns based on the “Time to Conversion” from the resources and will be calculated according to the impact of each resource in each campaign to achieve optimal result and as close to real distribution of the revenue generated.

Please note that stopped and ended campaigns will stop accumulating revenue.

You can deep dive in the different perspective of revenue contribution in the BI cube “Marketing: Addition Value analysis”

Last updated

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