"Client action" event
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Smartico has a specical type of event called "Client aciton".
Such actions can be triggered from the front-end or through the REST API and can start realtime campaigns (Journeys), Automation rules and progress/complete Missions or Badges.
In order to see "Client action" value in the Smartico BackOffice, you need to trigger it at least once, the triggered value will appear within 30 minutes in Smartico BackOffice automatically.
You can also register "Client action" manually in the Smartico BackOffice \ Tools \ Properties. Search for "Client action" property and use "+" sign to add action.
You can report a specific action done by the end-user, for example when the user is clicking on the submit button on the cashier page, you can report the action 'CashierSubmitClicked'.
As soon as the action is defined, and triggered at least once, you can build a real-time journey to react to such action.
In some cases, you will want to start a campaign when the user is getting to a specific page.
One of the options is to pass a special parameter in the URL of any of your pages.
For example, you can build a URL like:
When a user comes on this page you can catch him with the campaign waiting for the "Core: client action" and action DEPOSIT_OPENED
Note: the passed parameter in our example is "dp:action&action=TEST5" which is "URL Encoded". You can also pass any other deep links that will be triggered automatically after the user is logged in
You can send client action using server-to-server approach using Smartico REST API.
You can find details of REST API in the Smartico BackOffice \ Tools \ REST API (requires special permissions as there are secret keys that should be kept in private).
Payload of request should contain one required field called same way "client_action", and may contain any other information. The payload of event may contain links to reset password, email verification or whatever you decide.
For exampe, your payload may look like
To handle this event you need to prepare realtime campaign triggered by "Client action" event and with Client action = "reset_password" (or any other name that you choose).
Inside campaign you, will send email right on the start of campaign. And inside mail resource, you will write something like this
Another case, you want to inform client that he got a cashback.
And example of email: