
Guideline to Missions

  • Build your Missions with dependency on the Levels - every new level the player will unlock a set of 3-5 new missions. This way the players are not overloaded with a big number of missions at the same time.

  • Points in the missions can be built in a way that the players need to complete ±70% of the tasks in order to get enough points to the next level.

  • Note that with such an approach it's ok to have a situation when players on Level 5 have some not completed missions from levels below.

  • Give a good description for “locked” missions - what players should do in order to unlock them. If no description is given, the locked mission will show which level or which mission has to be completed first in order for it to be unlocked.

  • Don’t make available at the same time missions that are expecting the same actions from the player. E.g. “Login 5 days in a row” and “Login 3 days in a row” shouldn't be available at the same time. The same goes for “Make 50 EUR deposit” and “Make 300 EUR deposit”. Such missions should unlock each after another, e.g. “Login 3 days in a row” will unlock “Login 5 days in a row”

  • But in some cases, it could be ok to run missions with similar tasks in parallel, e.g. “Make 1000 bets” and “Make 300 bets in 24 hours”

  • Teach players gradually - keep beginner missions with one task only. E.g. “Make your first deposit”, “Login tomorrow”, “Make 5 bets”, etc. On the next levels, you can make missions that require completing multiple tasks.

  • In the first levels use a ‘quantitative’ approach and simple for understanding tasks. E.g. after completing the mission “Make 10 bets”, you can give a mission “Make 50 bets”. On later stages, you can introduce more complex tasks like “Make 50 bets in 10 minutes in Golden Slot’ or ‘Win 30 times of your bet in Roulette'

  • Missions that would require opt-in - in this case the user will start progressing within the tasks of the mission only after explicitly opting in to it:

  • Setting up a "Time limit" for the mission - with this feature you can limit the user in time that is given to complete a mission. Depending on the mission configuration, the countdown will start when the mission is unlocked or if it requires opt-in, from the time when the user opted in.

Multi-currency amount

Multi-currency amount provides the possibility to tune mission names or descriptions according to the user's currency. As soon as the values are defined you can use them in the mission name and descriptions with placeholder tag {{amount}}.

Example of usage in mission description: 'To unlock this mission you should deposit in total {{amount}} {{state.core_wallet_currency}}' For such a mission users of EUR currency will see the amount and currency name matching to EUR configuration and users of USD own value.


  • Support of multicurrency depends on your product integration.

  • You can leave values for some currencies empty and set only the 'Default' field, in such case, all users of not defined currencies will see the value of 'Default'.

Multi-currency amount in Mission Tasks

You can tune the task name according to the user currency.
Use the placeholder tag {{amount}} in the task name once values are defined.

For example:
'Bet {{amount}} {{state.core_wallet_currency}} in total'
Could be transformed based on the user currency to:
'Bet 100 EUR in total' or 'Bet 120 USD in total'

For the task that is expecting the user to collect a specific SUM of bets, deposits, points, etc.
The 'Multi-currency amount' will be used to evaluate the completion of the task.

Scheduled Missions

You can now schedule missions to unlock at a specific time. We have added the ‘Available from a specific date’ option in the BO within the mission template, and it is available only for ‘Available, unlocked’ missions. It is disabled by default, but when it’s enabled, two more options appear:

  • Active from - the date when the mission will be available in the gamification widget

  • Available during - the period till the mission will be available in the gamification widget

Available missions will appear under the available tab in the gamification with a countdown timer showing how long the mission will be active and a label with the date. Once the period is over and the mission is not completed, it will expire and be displayed under the Missed tab. The Missed tab will not be displayed when it is empty. If the mission is set for the future period, it will be displayed under the Locked tab with the date when it will be unlocked and a timer showing the duration period of the mission (for how long it will be available). When players have completed a mission, it will be displayed under the Completed tab, whether or not it has expired.

Read more at: https://help.smartico.ai/welcome/more/release-notes/november-2023#scheduled-missions

Scheduled Missions with Opt-in

We have added the possibility to enable opt-in on Scheduled Missions. Now you can create a mission that will be available on a specific date and time and when the mission becomes active the opt-in button will automatically appear.

If the mission is set for the future period, it will be displayed under the Locked tab with the date when it will be unlocked and a timer showing the duration period of the mission (for how long it will be available), but without the Opt-in button.

When players have completed a mission, it will be displayed under the Completed tab, without the Opt-in button. Once the period is over and the mission is not completed, it will expire and be displayed under the Missed tab without the Opt-in button.

Mission Types and Statuses

Mission Statuses - Draft, Active and Archived.

  • The newly created or cloned missions will automatically be in 'Draft' status. You can switch the mission from there to 'Active' or 'Archived.' Once a mission is set to 'Active,' it cannot be reverted to 'Draft' - only to 'Archived.' Additionally, an archived mission cannot be restored to 'Active' or 'Draft' status.

Missions types - Available Unlocked, Available Locked, Featured Manually and Recurring missions.

StatusOpt-inHide tasksHide when lockedCountdown timerRecurrence Period

Available Unlocked

(with Opt-in)

Available Locked

Featured Manually

Recurring Mission

  • Available, Unlocked - the mission will be visible to the end users, and they can progress without having to unlock it first, opt-in option and countdown timer are available. If configured, a Countdown timer will appear after explicit opt-in, meaning that the opt-in option should be enabled in order to restrict the mission in time.

  • Available, Locked - the mission is visible to the end users, but to progress, they need to unlock it first by completing the defined tasks. Players can unlock it by upgrading to another level, by completing another mission, or by other custom conditions defined by the operator. The mission can also be hidden from the end users until it’s unlocked.

  • Featured Manually - the mission can be given from a Campaign or manually to a specific player from the user’s profile. It will appear in the first place in the Gamification Widget with a Featured badge. The mission is hidden from the gamification widget until it’s given to specific users.

  • Recurring Mission - the operator can schedule the time when the mission will be visible to the players and for how long (countdown timer). The recurrence period could be daily, on specific days of the week, or month. Once the mission appears in the gamification widget, the players can progress without the need to complete other tasks to unlock. The mission progress is reset automatically for all users based on the recurrence schedule.

    • Recurring missions support an opt-in option, meaning players must opt-in to participate. Keep in mind that whether players opt-in or not, their progress will reset when the mission resets. They will need to opt in again when the mission becomes available.

For 'Locked' and 'Featured manually' missions, the Countdown can work in two modes:

  • If 'opt-in' is set, then Countdown will count time from the moment of opt-in

  • If 'opt-in' is not set, then Countdown will count time from the moment of unlock of the missions or when it is given to the users.

Show expired missions

You can choose whether to expose expired and not completed missions or to hide them. A mission is considered expired when its set duration has passed and the player did not complete it. The option to show/hide the expired missions is located in the missions template within the BO and is available only if you have set a time limit. If a mission expires, the ‘Hide mission when expired’ is disabled, and the user hasn’t completed it, it moves to the Missed tab. In case the user completes it before it expires, the mission moves to the Completed tab. If the ‘Hide mission when expired’ is enabled, it will disappear from the gamification widget when the mission expires.

Hide mission when expired’ will not be available if you haven’t set a time limit to the Mission!

When a recurring mission expires, and the option ‘Hide mission when expired’ is disabled, it will go to the missed tab with a countdown timer. The counter shows the time till the mission becomes available again. The same logic is applied if the mission is completed - it will go to the Completed tab with a countdown timer.

The table below outlines various mission types with the 'Hide mission when expired' option and their respective behaviors upon completion or expiration.

Mission TypeHide mission when expiredCompleted MissionsExpired Missions

Recurring with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab with countdown timer

Disappears from GF Widget

Recurring with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab with countdown timer

Goes to the Missed tab with countdown timer

Available locked with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab

Disappears from GF Widget

Available locked with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab

Goes to the missed tab

Available unlocked with Time Limit set and opt-in or Sheduled


Goes to the completed tab

Disappears from GF Widget

Available unlocked with Time Limit set and opt-in or Sheduled


Goes to the completed tab

Goes to the missed tab

Featured manually with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab

Disappears from GF Widget

Featured manually with Time Limit set


Goes to the completed tab

Goes to the missed tab

Manual Reward Claiming

Players can manually claim rewards after completing missions. The 'Enable reward claiming' option can be found within the Missions template in the BO, and it is available for all mission types. By default, this option is disabled, meaning rewards will be automatically released to the player upon mission completion.

When enabled, players must manually claim their rewards after completing a mission by pressing the ‘Claim reward’ button. Until then, the reward will not be released. Completed missions with unclaimed rewards can be found in the 'Completed' tab with a ‘Reward not claimed’ label. Players can then open the mission pop-up to claim their reward.

Keep in mind that if ‘Enable reward claiming’ is ON, the points from the mission tasks will also be given to the user only after the reward is manually claimed from the player until then no points will be awarded.

Operators can also manually claim rewards for a specific player in the BO from two locations: 1. From the mission template -> Users Completed

2. From the user profile page -> Active Missions

Display Missions' Progress as Count

The 'Display progress as count' option is located in the Mission template -> Tasks within the BO. This option allows you to show the remaining number of event occurrences as a count (e.g., 35/100) instead of a percentage in the progress bar of the mission. This feature is available for both single and multiple-task missions.

By default, this option is disabled, so the progress bar will display a percentage.

When enabled for missions with multiple tasks, each task will display progress as a count, while the overall progress bar will still show a percentage.

The 'Display progress as count' option can be configured per task and is available only for the following multi-action tasks:

  • 'Complete action a few times'

  • 'Complete action a few times, with a unique attribute'

  • 'Complete action a few times, check a SUM of attribute'

Manually Unlock mission for a specific user segment

You can manually unlock locked missions for specific user segments. For example, if a mission is set to unlock at level 7, you can unlock it for users who have already reached that level before the mission was created.

The 'Manual Unlock' option is available only for active ‘Available, Locked’ missions and does not apply to missions in 'Draft' or 'Archived' status. You'll find this option under the 'More' dropdown. Use conditions and 'OR' groups to define the user segments you wish to unlock the mission for. Once a mission is manually unlocked for these users, it cannot be reverted back to locked.

Manually Complete mission for a specific user segment

You can also manually complete missions for specific user segments. For example, if you create a KYC mission and some users have already completed KYC before the mission was created, you can manually complete the mission and reward those users.

The ‘Manual Complete’ option is available for all types of missions in status Active. You'll find this option under the 'More' dropdown. Use conditions and 'OR' groups to define the user segments you wish to complete the mission for. Once a mission is manually completed for these users, it cannot be reverted back and the rewards will be issued, unless manual reward claiming is enabled.

Keep in mind the following specifics when you Manually Complete a mission:

  • Locked missions will not be unlocked, but rewards will be issued to players unless manual reward claiming is enabled.

  • For locked missions, it's recommended to first unlock the mission for a specific user segment before completing it. However, if you choose to complete the mission first, you can manually unlock it later from the BO.

  • When manually completing missions with Opt-in, the players will not be automatically opted in after the completion.

  • You can find "Gamification: missions" data cube in the Data Studio in Smartico Back Office

  • You can access DWH with the row data about all facts related to the missions. This topic is explained in the Access to DWH article. The tables related to the missions are:

    • g_ach_completed - facts of completing missions

    • g_ach_optin - facts of opt-ins

    • g_ach_claimed - facts of claimed prizes

    • dm_ach - dictionary of all missions and badges defined in your setup

Last updated