🌞June 2024

Smartico release notes for June 2024 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.

Visitor API to show gamification for not logged-in users

We are extending Smartico Public API with the Visitor mode support - https://github.com/smarticoai/public-api

This extension allows you to show Missions, Tournaments, Mini-games, Stores, and Leaderboards to non-logged-in users in the lobby of your site.

The new API fully repeats the existing API for logged-in users, so you can use all existing UI that is built for logged-in users with minimal changes for Visitor API.

You can find ready-to-use examples of the following Visitor API widgets in pure JavaScript on our Expo page -> https://expo.smartico.ai/visitor_api/visitor_api_intro

  • Missions

  • Tournaments

  • Store

Check our Expo page for more information about the possibility of using both APIs -> https://expo.smartico.ai/widgets/intro

CRM: Possibility to check if the user belongs to the segment from the front-end JavaScript

You can find more details on the "Extended Integration" page.

This functionality can be used to change the front-end UI based on the users' segmentation.

For example, to show specific banners for VIP users.

General: New UI for the Back Office

We have released a new UI for Smartico’s Back Office. This update introduces a fresh, modern design and a range of enhancements to improve your experience and streamline your workflow. Some screens have already been migrated to the new UI, with a few still in progress.

BO Sections already using the new UI:

  • Automation Rules

  • Levels

  • Leaderboards

  • Store

  • Custom Sections

  • Mini-games skin editor

  • Store Categories

  • Badge Categories

  • Games Catalog

  • Label tags

  • Bonus Templates

  • Translations Sets \ Values

  • Image Compositions

  • UI Widgets

  • Dynamic Bonuses - Formula builder

Key Features and Improvements:

  1. Better Data Visualization:

  • New icons indicating HTML, CSS capabilities, and support for various tags (User state tags, Label tags, Campaign tags). With this update, you can begin typing ‘{{‘ and suggestions will automatically appear. If the field only supports Label and User state tags, campaign tags will not appear as you type.

  • Updated styles for informative, warning, and error messages

  • Improved translation process for fields supporting translations, including images (e.g. Levels)

  • New ‘Current state indicator’ in Scheduled Automation rules - Planned, Executing, Executed

  1. Improved Template Design:

    • Redesigned templates organized into sections (Core Setup, Limitations, UI, Branding, Advanced Settings, etc.) for better structure

  • Expandable sections for more intuitive navigation

  • New fullscreen editor with preview in the Mini-Games Skin editor, Image Composition, and UI Widgets - so you can easily view the changes you are making

  • Enhanced HTML/CSS editor in the Mini-Games skin editor, Custom Sections

  1. New Creation Wizard:

  • Enhanced creation process for sections supporting multiple template types like Scheduled Automation rules, Custom Sections, Mini-games skins, Label Tags, Bonus Templates.

  1. Enhanced Grid View:

  • Simplified tables for quicker and easier data retrieval

  • New status and type chips in the grid - so you can clearly differentiate type and status

Gamification: Manual Reward Claiming in Missions

Players can now manually claim rewards after completing missions. A new 'Enable reward claiming' option has been added to the Missions template in the BO, available for all mission types. By default, this option is disabled, meaning rewards will be automatically released to the player upon mission completion.

When enabled, players must manually claim their rewards after completing a mission by pressing the ‘Claim reward’ button. Until then, the reward will not be released. Completed missions with unclaimed rewards can be found in the 'Completed' tab with a ‘Reward not claimed’ label. Players can then open the mission pop-up to claim their reward.

Gamification: Purchase History and Enhanced Store Design

The Gamification Store is revamped with a sleek new design for a more intuitive and engaging shopping experience.

We've added a Purchase History feature to the gamification store. Players can now view all items they've purchased, including details such as cost, availability for repurchase, stock status (if managed by the operator), purchase date, and a "Buy Again" button.

If a player doesn't have enough points to repurchase an item or if the item is out of stock, the "Buy Again" button will be inactive. This ensures players have clear information about their purchasing options and history.

CRM: JS Markers on the ‘User Profile’ page

We've enhanced the Account section in the User Profile page within the BO by adding JS markers. Operators can now view, add, and delete JS markers for each player directly from their profile in the Back Office.

Read more about JS Markers in:

CRM: Bonus History in Campaigns

We’ve introduced Bonus History inside Real-time and Scheduled Campaigns. You can now easily track all bonuses issued through the selected campaign and view their status. This feature is available under the 'Operations' drop-down menu.

AI: LTV Prediction model

We are extending the portfolio of AI tools with a new model that builds LTV Prediction.

As soon as the model is activated, the operator can see the current and projected for 15, 30, and 60 days LTV of the user.

The chart in the user profile shows the upper and lower bounds of the possible LTV and the average possible LTV as a blue line.

This information can also be used in the segmentation in order to target users with low/high potential of LTV increase.

Read also about the Churn model and Best Communication Time model

Analytics: DWH extended with more fact tables

In this release we are extending DWH with new fact tables that can be used for the external reporting by the operators.

New tables:

  • j_bonuses - represents the history of bonuses given to users, including all the attempts to issue bonuses through the API provided by the platform.

  • g_ach_completed - represents the history of all completed missions & badges.

  • g_ach_optins - represents the history of all opt-ins in the missions that require explicit opt-ins to participate.

  • g_ach_claimed - represents facts of prizes claiming for the missions for which a claim is required

Read more about Smartico DWH.

Analytics: export segments from the Smartico DWH

Operators who are using Smartico DWH can get a near-real-time list of users that belong to specific segments.

Segment information is updated in DWH on average within 3 minutes after transactions about user profiles and gaming activity are delivered to the Smartico system.

In order to enable segment exporting, needed segments need to be marked for availability in DWH

CRM: The new time window for Dynamic Bonuses in Campaigns

We've introduced a new time window for Dynamic Bonuses calculation in Campaigns called ‘From campaign entrance till now’. This option calculates and includes only the transactions made by a player from the time they entered the campaign up to the current moment. You can specify this current moment by setting a ‘Delay’ or ‘Delay till’ activity, defining the period in days, hours, minutes, or a specific date.

For example, a promotion where users need to Deposit 200$ and will get 10% cashback based on the bets they made in the next 5 days. Once the bonus is issued, they will receive an inbox message.

AI: New models for 7 and 14 days for Churn prediction

In addition to the 30-day Churn model, we are introducing two more models that predict churn probability based on the 7 and 14-day "no deposit" definitions.

The operator can choose which of the models to use based on the specific of the audience.

It's also possible to run a few models in parallel in order to analyze which of them is better fitting to the retention strategy.

Gamification: set skin using JavaScript API

Following requests from our clients, we are adding a possibility to set the Gamification widget skin using JavaScript API


There are two possible cases we have got from clients.

If you have Day and Night visual schemes for your website, you may want to use two different Gamification skins depending on the UI of the main site.

Another case is when you want to give some users special skins, for example, based on the achieved level.

_smartico.on('props_change', function(props) {
    if (props.ach_level_current === 5) {

Last updated

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