This document explains the mechanics of Smartico tournaments, complemented by examples.
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This document explains the mechanics of Smartico tournaments, complemented by examples.
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The Tournaments are competitions involving 2 or more players, all participating to reach the top of the leaderboard by achieving the same goal. Smartico current implementation of tournaments is providing the following possibilities:
Opt-in/Buy - This can be done with gamification points, free of charge, or with manual approval (when every registration should be approved by the operator from the back office)
Prize pool - Prizes can be gamification points, bonuses, or tangible prizes. For tangible prizes - it's possible to inform local providers to deliver a prize using API or to send automatic mail to the operator’s customer planting all the information in the email to handle delivery manually.
One-time or Repeat tournaments are supported. E.g. the tournament can run only once on a specific date, like 'the 1st of June 2021 at 8 AM' or as a repeating tournament like 'Every Monday at 6 PM'. A new 'instance' will run every Monday at 6 PM under the same configuration for' Repeating' tournaments.
Segmentation - tournaments can be targeted to specific segments of players. E.g. by country, by player class, balance, games played, etc (showing high buy-in tournaments to VIP players while low buy-in for lower value players). All possibilities of Smartico segmentation can be used in tournament segmentation.
Marketing assistance - all activities of a tournament can trigger communication with players. List of events that can trigger a communication:
User registered to a tournament
Tournament started
User Won/Lost a tournament
Tournament canceled
Limiting in time and having additional limits - every tournament should be limited, e.g. 5 days. Tournaments may have additional limitations, like:
Players are limited to 100 bets (count) on a specific game/team/league.
Players are limited in using 100 USD when placing bets
Multi-currency support - The tournament scoring function is automatically handling multi-currency context. Players with different account currencies will have their score in the tournament calculated according to currency conversion (e.g. For a tournament with scoring rules based on “total wagering”, a 100,000 ZAR wager will gain 6000 points, just as 6000 eur wager will gain 6000 points if the label base currency is EUR)
Multi-product support - platforms operating multiple products can have tournaments of different types. For E.g. platforms with sports & casino products could have tournaments for sports and for casino provided for the same audience.
Scoring logic - is flexible and can be adjusted according to operator needs. Here are a few examples that can be used as a starting point, score can be based on:
Total win amount for casino or sports bets
Wins count
Maximum win/bet ratio
Highest win amount
The total amount of gamification points
Number of bets in casino/sport
Similar scoring logic on deposit facts (total, max, etc)
In addition to scoring logic, tournaments can be restricted to count only bets for specific games, types of games, sport types, leagues, teams, etc (e.g. The user that wins the most times with Juventus in the UEFA Champions League with a minimum bet of 1 EUR on minimum odds of 1.4).
The rank order is based on the time when the user got the points in the Tournament. For example, if player X gets 1 score at 10:00 and player Y gets 1 score at 14:00, then player X will be in the 1st position, and player Y will be in the 2nd position
Score accumulation rule - The 'Score accumulation rule' defines how the user's score is summed up to form his total score. Possible options: - Default - the new score value is added to the previous one. In such cases, the total score can go negative, for example in tournaments based on NetWin. - Max value - the score for every action is not accumulated, instead the system selects the maximum value. For example, can be used in the tournament for the highest Win/Bet ratio. - No negatives - normal accumulation logic, but the total score will never go below 0.
Multilingual support - all visual parts of the tournament (names, descriptions, prize pool, etc) can be translated into supported languages. General texts, not related to specific tournaments, can be also translated into all needed languages or re-phrased according to the operator's needs (such as the strings “Buy-in”, “Started”, “Finalizing” etc)
Enable testing mode - When enabled, the tournament engine will leave detailed information for score calculation. This will help to adjust tournament configuration and validate scoring logic.
Do not keep testing mode enabled for the tournaments running in production mode, this may affect the performance of scoring calculation. The debug mode will be disabled automatically if there will be more than 50 users entered the tournament in the last 24 hours