🍁October 2024

Smartico release notes for October 2024 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.

Gamification: Manually Complete mission for a specific user segment

We've introduced a new feature allowing you to manually complete missions for specific user segments. For example, if you create a KYC mission and some users have already completed KYC before the mission was created, you can manually complete the mission and reward those users.

The ‘Manual Complete’ option is available for all types of missions in status Active. You'll find this option under the 'More' dropdown. Use conditions and 'OR' groups to define the user segments you wish to complete the mission for. Once a mission is manually completed for these users, it cannot be reverted back and the rewards will be issued, unless manual reward claiming is enabled.

Keep in mind the following specifics when you Manually Complete a mission:

  • Locked missions will not be unlocked, but rewards will be issued to players unless manual reward claiming is enabled.

  • For locked missions, it's recommended to first unlock the mission for a specific user segment before completing it. However, if you choose to complete the mission first, you can manually unlock it later from the BO.

  • When manually completing missions with Opt-in, the players will not be automatically opted in after the completion.

CRM: Fixed & Relative periods for Behavioral Segments

We've introduced two new period types to help you build Behavioural segments. The options are available only for the behavioral segments and can be found under the ‘Period Type’ option:

  • Fixed Period: Set specific dates, e.g., from 01.01.2024 to 23.01.2024 (UTC).

  • Relative period: Use dynamic ranges like Current day till now, Previous full day, Last weekend, Last full week, Last full month, etc. You can also select different time zones and the calculations of the user segment will be based on it.

For example, you can now create a behavioral segment for users who deposited more than 1000 EUR total in the last full month in UTC +6.

Last updated