🗺️Lootbox 2.0
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The Lootbox is a game that offers daily rewards to players. The process is simple: players open the game daily, revealing and getting their reward. Prizes are customizable and can vary daily, including options like points, bonuses, mini-game attempts, tangible items, and more.
The lootbox comes with 2 different layouts - Cards and Map. With the map Lootbox layout, you can easily create a themed Advent Calendar for Christmas, Easter, or other occasions.
The Lootbox game must be assigned to a Custom Section, during the Lootbox setup wizard, you can set the menu image that will be displayed in the Gamification Widget. Once you click ‘Create,’ a Custom Section with the same name as the Lootbox will be automatically generated and linked to it, saving you time and effort.
Each Custom Section can contain only one Lootbox game, but you can create multiple Custom Sections.
Start by selecting the schedule and the layout of the Lootbox you want to create. Based on the schedule and duration set in the wizard, the game’s prizes will be generated automatically. You can then customize the game and the prizes by selecting prize types, adding images, updating descriptions, and more.
The Lootbox mini-game can be created in the BO under the Retention Games section.
Click the ‘Create’ button and set a schedule for your Lootbox. You can choose from two schedule types:
Weekdays (Monday to Sunday): Use this option for a recurring Lootbox on specific days of the week. The start time is always midnight, and you can select a time zone to align each day with your local midnight. For example, set up a Lootbox to run only on weekdays, Monday to Friday.
Calendar Days: Use this option for specific calendar dates. The start time is also midnight, with an adjustable time zone. For example, create a Christmas Advent Calendar running from December 1st to December 25th.
The start time of the Lootbox is by default calculated from midnight UTC.
To make the Lootbox start at midnight in your desired time zone, you can select a time zone from the 'Timezone for days boundaries' setting.
Select the layout of the Lootbox
Cards - in this layout, prizes are hidden behind cards arranged in a horizontal row. Players flip each card to reveal their rewards
Map - this layout is used for creating an Advent Calendar for a holiday-themed experience. The prizes are hidden in a gift box that pops up with a festive animation and reveals the reward.
After creating the game template, you can begin customizing the game:
Choose a Name
Select a Skin
Set Visibility: Define who can see the game
Configure Game UI: Set the game rules, add a promo image and text, and customize other display elements.
Select the Custom Section where the Lootbox game will be displayed
For the Horizontal layout of the Lootbox the ‘Promo text’ will be displayed under the title on the UI.
Customize the Prizes - The number of prizes will be automatically generated based on the selected schedule when the game is created.
Select the prize type
Enter Prize name
Add Prize image - ⚠️ It is recommended to use square images ⚠️
Select winning message
To create a custom skin for the Lootbox 2.0, you can use the ‘Mini-games skin editor’, following the same approach that is used for mini-games. Here are the main steps:
Go to the Mini-games skin editor in the BO
Select the ‘Lootbox’ type from the creation wizard
Enter the name of the skin
Choose the layout - Cards or Map
Upload the package with the images
You can override the CSS if you want to introduce some UI changes
Save the skin
You can find the existing packages below and create a custom one. Here are the available skins for the Card layout:
Below you can find the available skins for the Map layout:
When selecting a skin for the Map layout (25 and 31 days) in the BO game template, you may need to manually adjust the positions of some prizes. The simplest way to handle this is by copying the prizes from the skin editor and pasting them directly into the game template.
Please follow these guidelines when creating a Custom Lootbox Map skin:
For all skins (7, 14, 25, 31 days):
'game-bg' and 'game-bg-mobile' images should be less than 900kb
For all skins (7, 14, 25, 31 days):
'game-bg' and 'game-bg-mobile' images should be in JPEG format
For 7 days skin:
The 'game-bg' image should be exactly 1835x1284
The 'game-bg-mobile' image should be exactly 527x1072
For 14 days skin:
The 'game-bg' image should be exactly 1835x2193
The 'game-bg-mobile' image should be exactly 527x1622
For 25 and 31 days skin:
The 'game-bg' image should be exactly 1835x3895
The 'game-bg-mobile' image should be exactly 527x3260
We can provide a template for Lootbox 2.0 skins upon request.
Please note that any images exported from the template must be compressed before uploading them to the BO. You can use [this link] to compress your images.
For further assistance, please contact your Customer Success Manager
For the map layout, the positions of the prizes are pre-defined for 7, 14, 25, and 31 days, so if you create a Lootbox with 7, 14, 25, or 31 days you don't have to adjust the positions of the prizes on the map. If you want to introduce more or less than the pre-defined prizes you need to adjust the positions of the prizes in the CSS editor in the skin or in the game template. The maximum amount of days that can be added is 31.
Please note that you must use '!important' when adjusting CSS on the game template and skin levels.
The Lootbox game should be assigned to a Custom Section.
Each prize is linked to a specific date or day in the BO
Each prize is created by default with ‘Surchage’ enabled and ‘Stock items = 0’, this means that the prize pool will be infinite and the prize cannot run out of stock.
The images for the prizes should be square (example: 512x512).
The prizes in the loot box can be won by the players only once in 24 hours.
If a player does not play the game in 24 hours, the prize for the day will be marked as missed and cannot be won.
In Lootbox 2.0, you can include missions as a prize type. When a player opens the daily box, they’ll receive a mission, and upon completing it, they’ll earn the associated reward.
This mission's prize type can be configured in the BO under the Prizes tab. Note that only 'Featured Manually' missions can be selected as prizes.
You can assign multiple prizes per day in Lootbox 2.0. This feature works with both layouts—Cards and Map—and applies to both scheduling options: Weekdays and Calendar Days. When multiple prizes are assigned on the same day, the player will receive one prize, selected randomly.
For Calendar Days, ensure the date range for the prizes is exactly one day (e.g., Start Date: 10.10.2024, End Date: 10.10.2024).
You can configure Lootbox prizes to require players to claim them manually before they are issued. When this setting is enabled, the prize will only be awarded after the player clicks the 'Claim' button; otherwise, the prize will remain unissued.
This option can be found in the Prize Configuration screen under 'Type of Winning Message' and is labeled as 'Full message with acknowledge button.' In the 'Not Claimed Prizes' tab, you can view all unclaimed prizes. From this tab, you can also manually issue a prize to a specific player by clicking the 'Claim Manually' button. Only prizes that require acknowledgment will appear in the 'Not Claimed Prizes' tab.
Q: Is the lootbox available in standalone mode?
A: Yes. You can use -> Example: _smartico.dp('dp:gf_section&id=205&standalone=true'); -> id=205 is the ID of the Custom section with the Lootbox.