November 2023
Smartico release notes for November 2023 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.
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Smartico release notes for November 2023 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.
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We are releasing a new lobby for the Mini-Games and Match X sections. All games are displayed in the lobby and the players can choose which one to play. If only 1 game is available, the user will be transferred directly to the game and the lobby will not be displayed. Once the players enter a game there is a ‘Back’ button, which redirects them back to the lobby page.
The new lobby will be applied for all clients on the 1st of December 2023. If you want to enable it earlier, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
The title and the description of the games are configured in the BO within the game template. In the ‘Public name’ field you can define the game's title and in the ‘Promo Text’ field - short description. These settings are applicable for all mini-games and Match X games as well.
We've completely revamped the design of the ‘Match X’ game to provide a more intuitive user experience.
New Improvements:
Lobby - We've introduced a ‘Match X’ lobby, offering players the option to select from a variety of games. Once users enter a specific game, they can effortlessly return to the lobby by clicking the ‘Back’ button
New match cards - Players can now submit selections, edit choices, view finished matches, and navigate to other matches using the new ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons. Each card has a ‘Play’ button - when the players haven’t predicted anything yet, ’Edit’ - when the players want to edit their predictions’, or ‘View’ - when players are not allowed to submit predictions anymore
‘Details’ button - The ‘Details’ button is located within an open match card and gives the players the ability to review what others have voted for
New ‘Prize Pool’ section - Where players can check the prizes associated with each rank
New ‘How to Play’ section - This section has been relocated to its dedicated area, allowing players to easily access instructions on how to play and begin their predictions
New Leaderboards - The Leaderboards tab provides real-time score updates. The list of ranked players is displayed, and players can click on any participant to access their predictions for the current round (if enabled)
New Rounds tab - By clicking on the round name, they can navigate to the desired round. Additionally, points earned in each round are displayed, allowing every player to track their scores.
New Rules tab - In this section, you have the option to input your Terms & Conditions, Rules, and any additional information you wish to communicate to players. This content should be populated from the BO within the game template.
We have added the possibility to blur the background behind a pop-up in the Gamification Widget. The default value is 0, meaning there will be no blur.
Note: To change the blur of the background, please contact your Success Manager.
Now you can add Priority to Tournaments, for example, if you want a specific tournament to be displayed first in the Gamification Widget, it is possible. There is a new option in the BO within the tournaments template called ‘Priority’ from where you can configure it.
We have added new activity for Scheduled Campaigns, Real-time Campaigns, and Automation Rules called 'Stop Campaigns'. Now, operators can stop specific players from progressing in a particular or all available campaigns.
For example, you can create an automation rule to suspend all campaigns for users whose status is ‘Banned’, this means that if the players are currently in a promotional campaign that gives bonuses or points, they will be kicked out of that campaign.
Now operators can adjust the spinning speed on the ‘Loyalty Wheel’ mini-game. The option is available within the mini-game template in the BO and values are measured in seconds. The possible seconds are from 8 to 30 seconds. The default value is set to 15 seconds.
Note: Keep in mind that decreasing the seconds will increase the wheel's spinning speed and vice versa.
We have added a new Christmas addon for the Gamification Widget. It is applicable for both desktop and mobile.
Note: To enable the Christmas theme please contact your Customer Success Manager.
We have added the possibility to create a custom section with mini-games. The option is available in the BO within the Custom Section template, and it is called ‘Mini-games’. Once the page is created, you can add different mini-games by going into the specific game template and adding it to the custom page. You can also choose if the mini-game will be visible only in the Custom Section or in Mini-games.
Operators can add multiple mini-games or just 1 game. If there is only 1 game, the lobby won't be presented, and players will enter the game directly. When multiple mini-games are available, the lobby will be displayed, allowing players to choose which game to play.
Operators can now add status to their custom pages. The option is in the BO within the Custom Section template. The possible values are:
‘Active’ - the section will be displayed in the gamification widget
'Draft” - the section will not be displayed in the gamification widget
'Archived’ - the section will not be displayed in the gamification widget
With this functionality, the operator can hide and show custom sections at any time.
We have added the option to distinguish the active ‘Match X’ games in the lobby from those already finished. The configuration is in the BO within the game template and by default is set to ‘No’. Once the setting is enabled, the selected game will become greyed out, but it will still be available for the players to enter and review.
For example, if you have a new game every month and want to differentiate the current one from the ones that have already passed, you can enable the ‘Mark as Completed’ option for the rest of the games, and they will become dimmed.
Operators can now delete prizes that players have already won. When deleting a prize that has already been won from the prize list, it will become greyed out with a ‘Deleted’ label and will be moved to the bottom of the list. The items in stock count, initial items count, and sectors will be reset to 0. The deleted prize can be edited and changed back to active state.
Note: If you delete a prize that was never won, it will automatically disappear from the list, and you will not be able to retrieve it.
We have added an activity period for the Custom Sections. Now operators can schedule when a specific custom page will become visible for the players in the Gamification Widget. The setting is available in the BO within the Custom Section template, and it has two options:
Active from - when the section will appear in the gamification widget
Active till - till when the section will be available in the gamification widget
You can use this configuration to expose custom sections related to specific events, like ‘Christmas set of missions’ or "Mini-games for Valentine's Day".
If neither the ‘Activity from/till’ periods are defined and the custom page is in Active status, it will be visible in the gamification widget.
You can now schedule missions to unlock at a specific time. We have added the ‘Available from a specific date’ option in the BO within the mission template, and it is available only for ‘Available, unlocked’ missions. It is disabled by default, but when it’s enabled, two more options appear:
Active from - the date when the mission will be available in the gamification widget
Available during - the period till the mission will be available in the gamification widget
Using this option, you can configure an advent calendar by creating a new Custom Section titled 'Advent calendar,' assigning a few missions, and scheduling them to unlock one mission per day.
Available missions will appear under the available tab in the gamification with a countdown timer showing how long the mission will be active and a label with the date.
Once the period is over and the mission is not completed, it will expire and be displayed under the Missed tab. The Missed tab will not be displayed if it is empty.
If the mission is set for the future period, it will be displayed under the Locked tab with the date when it will be unlocked and a timer showing the duration period of the mission (for how long it will be available).
When players have completed a mission, it will be displayed under the Completed tab, whether or not it has expired.
We have released a ‘Happy Hour’ scoring for Tournaments. Now you can configure a tournament to give more points only during the weekends or only during a specific period for example.
The option is available in the BO within the Tournament template, and it is disabled by default. When it’s enabled, you can choose the period when players will receive more points and the multiplier by which the points will be multiplied. Once the period that is set for the ‘Happy hour’ is over the players will again receive the regular amount of points (not multiplied).