☀️June 2023

Smartico release notes for June 2023 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.

Restriction on pop-up and inbox for Scheduled Campaigns

Since pop-up and inbox are ‘online’ communication activities (they require the user to be online) we have restricted adding them to the flow builder at the beginning of a scheduled campaign. There are cases, where it is allowed to add a pop-up or inbox in Scheduled campaigns but first, you need to add some offline activity like email/SMS/push/WhatsApp/IVR call.

For example, if you want to use a pop-up in a scheduled campaign you can do the following in the flow builder:

  1. Send an Email with a link for the user to go online

  2. On the ‘Sent’ connection from mail put ‘Wait for event’ and type: ‘Core: user went online’

  3. Show the popup when the user comes online

You can add inbox or pop-up communication activities without using offline activity like email/SMS/ etc. when building a Journey campaign. For instance, you can build a Journey that starts on the ‘Core: user went online’ event and show the popup. You can also react to events like Deposit, Login, etc.

Last updated