🍁September 2024

Smartico release notes for September 2024 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.

AI: New statistical mode that detects user preferences of product

The new model is analysing user historical activity for last 30 days with applying time decay, and determines the preferences of product - Sport, Casino, Lottery.

You can find more details in the help section - Favorite product

The model is activated for all Smartico clients.

Gamification: building custom mini-games using API

We are introducing the possibility of building custom mini-games using Smartico API.

You can find API documentation on our Expo page - https://expo.smartico.ai/widgets/dp_custom_mini_game

And first open source example of custom game in the GitHub - https://github.com/smarticoai/game-giftbox-shells

Gamification: Prize Acknowledgment in Mini-Games

You can now configure mini-game prizes to require players to claim them manually before they are issued. When this setting is enabled, the prize will only be awarded after the player clicks the 'Claim' button; otherwise, the prize will remain unissued. This option can be found in the mini-game Prize Configuration screen under 'Type of Winning Message' and is labeled as 'Full message with acknowledge button.'

We've also added a new 'Not Claimed Prizes' tab, where you can view all unclaimed prizes. From this tab, you can also manually issue a prize to a specific player by clicking the 'Claim Manually' button.

  • Only prizes that require acknowledgment will appear in the 'Not Claimed Prizes' tab.

  • The new option is available for ‘Loyalty Wheel’, ‘Scratch Card’, and ‘Giftbox’ mini-games.

  • Prizes that are not claimed within 6 months will expire. Expired prizes cannot be issued.

CRM: 'Wait for event' until exact date

We've improved the 'Wait for Event' activity by adding an option to delay the execution until a specific date or day of the week in the delay settings. You can now add a ‘Wait for Event’ activity and set the wait time for the event to occur by a specific date (UTC) or a particular day and time of the week.

Please be careful when applying the 'Exact date' and 'Days of week' options to campaigns with entry modes: 'Start and Stop', 'Every time conditions are met, run few at the same time', and recurring 'Once during open journey' campaigns. In these cases, you'll need to manually update the date each time.

For example, you can create a campaign that triggers when a player places a casino bet, then add 'Wait for Deposit' to happen and schedule the delay of the Deposit event until Friday at 10 PM. The new options are available in both Real-time and Scheduled campaigns under the 'Delay Options' dropdown in the 'Wait for Event' activity.

Recurring missions with Opt-in

Recurring missions now support an opt-in option, meaning players must opt-in to participate. Keep in mind that whether players opt-in or not, their progress will reset when the mission resets. They will need to opt in again when the mission becomes available.

Last updated