Event Driven Journey

Smartico Journey Builder is a campaign planning tool that enables you to design and automate campaigns that guide users through their journey with a brand. Its foundation is the journey, which is the communication plan you design.

Canvas activities tell the Journey Builder who to communicate and direct the population in the journey. The journey then continually evaluates the population to determine when to move them to the next activity.

Learn more about the "Journey Flow"

Execute simple or multi-step marketing and data management activities on an immediate, triggered, or scheduled basis.

Journey Definitions

  1. Choose a name for your Journey

  2. Select campaign status

    • Active – Normally running Campaigns

    • Paused – Campaigns is still running for users who entered Journey, but new users will not enter

    • Draft, Disabled and Archived – Is disabled for new users and user who already entered

  3. Choose Entry Mode to the campaign

  4. Select campaign category Each campaign category could have different sets of User & Global CAPs. Meaning you can limit communications on all channels based on the category of the campaign.

    • Marketing campaign – Is counted in global Analytical reports, to measure Entrance & Conversion KPIs

    • Operation campaigns – Is not included in Analytical reports, static still can be seen in “Analytics” section of campaign

  5. Set Control Group (%) An important element for proper evaluation of the campaign performance. Smartico will keep the specified % of the users outside of the Journey and will measure how they are achieving ‘Conversion Rule’ in the specified period of the Campaign duration i.e Conversion rule is “deposit approved”, will count how many users within the journey deposited during the period of the campaign compared to the ones who entered the CG without going through the engagements of the campaign

  6. Sticky Control Group Provides the possibility to fix the behaviour of the Control Group per user.

    When enabled, users that entered the Control Group of this campaign will be always in the Control Group if they enter this campaign again.

    When disabled, the decision to enter the Control Group will be done again every time when the user is about to enter the campaign.

  7. Set activity period You can restrict the campaign to run only during a specific date range and include only specific days of the week. E.g. A campaign triggered by a deposit, but only if the trigger happens between 10:00 to 13:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. You can limit the period of your campaign activity by specifying from and up to dates. it’s possible to set campaign:

    • Starting from specific time but without end date

    • Finishing on specific date, but without start date, so it will be active immediately

    • Settings specific date period

    • Leaving both fields empty, so it will run until explicitly stopped

    • Set daily iterations (i.e Happy Monday campaign, for the entire month of April which will repeat every Monday)

Conditions to enter the Journey

  1. Set Entry Trigger Entry trigger can be any event defined in the system:

    • Deposit approved

    • User Login

    • User Logout

    • Sport Bet

    • Casino Bet

    • Mission completed

    • Level completed

    • Etc

  2. Select the Segment you target to the campaign. For example;

    • All VIP Bronze customers

    • All customers with deposit count > 1

    • Customers from Canada

    • Players with favorite team Manchester United

    • etc

You can configure additional conditions that will be combined with Segment to build an audience.

Excluding users from entering a campaign

You can exclude users that are matching to conditions of specific campaigns.

Using 'Campaigns running at the same time' analysis you can find out which users are running in which campaigns at the same time.

Note: save changes of campaign settings in order to see a proper estimation of the audience size after the exclusion of the campaigns

Campaign Entry Mode

The campaign entry mode can be one of the following sets the rule for the user to enter the campaign when and if he meets the conditions of the campaign (within the chosen population and based on the event that he triggered, or was triggered on him)

A campaign entry mode can be one of the following:

Once during open journey

If the user is inside an active journey, he will not be able to re-enter the same journey even if the conditions become ideal again

Example: Show a popup to any user that logs in but limiting the communication to 1 time per day. Trigger of campaign -> Login Campaign duration -> 1 day The user will login, will see the popup, and remain in the campaign for 1 day, if the user will login again in the same day, he will not re-enter the campaign (and will not see the popup again)

Once in a lifetime of a user

The user can enter to this Journey one time only, this is the case in campaigns such as Registration Flow, 2nd Deposit Flow etc.

Example: Upon a user that makes his 2nd deposit, he will enter the campaign, and will receive a second deposit offer, but will not re-enter the campaign ever again.

Every time conditions are met

The user will enter the Journey every time when the conditions to start the campaign are met and the user fits to the segment, even if he is actively engaged in the campaign and the campaign is not over yet for him. Essentially the user can be in parallel instances of the same campaign being in different stages of it.

Example: Send an SMS after every deposit. The Journey duration can last for 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour or 1 day, and include a more complicated set of actions, but every time the user will make a deposit, he will re-enter the Journey while still having another "parallel instance" of the same Journey.

Stop and Start

The user will enter the journey every time the conditions to start the journey are met. If during progressing in the journey the same entry conditions met again the user will restart the journey while the previous instance will be terminated.

See “Segments” for more information about populations.

Last updated