

Smartico is getting the list of the available bonuses from the platform and is issuing the bonuses through the platform using an API. The general logic of such API look like "Give bonus X to the user Y", where the bonus X is identified by some unique name or ID, and all details of the bonus are managed on the side of the integrated system.

For example: For a Casino product, the bonus can be identified as '10FREE_SPIN_IN_GOLDEN_SLOT'. Information about the number of spins and eligible games is managed on the Casino system side, and the Smartico system will only instruct the casino through the API to give 10FREE_SPIN_IN_GOLD_SLOT to the user John1984.

Operators can give bonuses to the end users in the following ways:

  • from campaigns

  • from automation rules

  • from mini-games

  • from missions

  • from tournaments

  • from the store (where players can buy it as a store item)

You can also control which bonuses to display for the end users in the Gamification Widget. We have added the possibility to:

  • show only bonuses given by specific products (Shop, Mini-game, Automation rule, etc.)

  • show only bonuses with particular status (Redeemed, Redeem Failed, etc.)

  • show a combination of bonuses given by specific products and with particular status

By default the option is disabled, meaning that all bonuses are visible in the gamification widget (regardless of status or where they come from).

Bonus Types and Bonus Templates

Bonus types are configurable on the platform’s side. They could be for example Cash bonuses, Free Spins, or Coupon Code. To issue a bonus with Smartico, the operator should create a bonus template in our BO, where the bonus type should be added. In the template, there are options to set an icon, public name (how the bonus will be displayed to end-users), bonus activity period (active from/till), bonus type (cash bonus, free spins), and expiration period (365 days).

Once the bonus template is created, it can be given to the end-user via Campaign, Automation Rule, Mission, Tournament, Mini-games or to be added as a Store item, from where the players can buy it. Keep in mind that when giving a bonus, some properties from the bonus template can be overridden, for example, Coupon Code, Bonus Amount, and UI Name of the bonus (the name that will be displayed in the gamification widget).

For example, if there is already an existing bonus template in Smartico BO with the public name ‘Free Spins’, once the operator adds the bonus template as a prize from a specific mini-game, for instance, they can override the name and the amount.

Bonus Statuses

The lifecycle of the ‘bonus’ when the Smartico system issues it is as follows:

  • New - the original status of the bonus when it's just created in the Smartico system. The bonus stays in this status until it's transitioned either to "Redeemed" or "Redeem failed". The system attempts to issue a bonus every 5 minutes within one 1-hour; If the bonus is not issued after the retries within 1 hour, the status remains ‘New’. When the bonus is in this status, it’s not visible to the end user in the gamification widget;

  • Redeem Failed - when the bonus cannot be redeemed because the Operator's platform rejects it. For example, if a user gets a bonus from a mission or a tournament (not from the Store) the PAM system rejects it with the reason 'User has another bonus', the bonus will be in ‘Redeemed Failed’ status and will be visible to the end-user in the gamification widget. From this state, depending on the integration with the platform the player can try to redeem the bonus from the Bonuses section in the gamification widget.

  • Redeemed - the final successful state of the bonus, when the Operator's platform processed the request to give a bonus;

Last updated

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