Automated Sports Campaigns

You can send Automated Sports Campaigns to the players promoting upcoming events on different sports. Here are all the specifics about such campaigns.

Assigning images and branding

Each Sport type, League, and Team can be assigned with 2 images which can then be used in the creative resources to make the communication not only personalized per event but also more interesting.

You can assign an icon for each team in a football league, where each time they play, not only to show the team name on an SMS or a Popup but also show a more visually interesting banner as below:

The above email header was configured in the following way:

You can assign 2 images for each team. One can be a small icon and the other can be a background or anything else. The images are not limited by size. Here is how images are assigned:

Choose the category you want to assign the image to, click on “Create” and upload your image. Here is how uploading an image to the UEFA Euro 2020 will look like:

Sport tags for creatives

Every campaign targeting “sports events” provides the possibility to use tags related to the game, like league name, home and away team, etc. A list of available tags is available in the editors for all resources and can be visible when typing {{sport.

These tags can also be easily found when using the email editor, under Personalization → Sport tags as shown in the image below:

Here are the variables “Tags” that we suggest to create in each campaign:

Showing the secondary events table


Dynamic Away Team name


Dynamic Home Team name


Dynamic League name


Dynamic Match Start Time


More “Tags” that can be used in the Sports campaigns:

Showing a pre-assigned image representing the home team


Showing a pre-assigned image (2) representing the home team


Showing a pre-assigned image representing the away team


Showing a pre-assigned image (2) representing the away team


Showing a pre-assigned image representing the league


Showing a pre-assigned image (2) representing the league


Showing a pre-assigned image representing the sport type (e.g. a football promotion will have a football related image


Showing a pre-assigned image (2) representing the sport type



You can use the special tags in Emails/SMS/Push notifications as well, by placing them within the text, to automatically populate the right information from the game (event) that has triggered the campaign.

The popup will have the teams' names populated as the campaign starts for that user.

Here is a suggested Email template:

  1. Assigned League image that will be populated based on the league of the match that triggered the start of the campaign.

  2. The League name of the match that has triggered the campaign will be populated here (e.g UEFA Champions League).

  3. The Home team name will be populated (e.g Juventus)

  4. The Away team name will be populated

  5. The time of the start of the match that triggered the campaign will be in GMT (e.g Wed, 26 May 10:00)

  6. Optional way of personalizing the offers for the users, you can create a different offer for each profile of a user. For example 100% to all users but 400% to Bronze VIPs

  1. The customized maximum amount for the offer. For example 100$ and 250 EUR

  1. In the email templates, you can add a table with secondary events that you want to promote.

    To show this table you will need to put the following tag inside the HTML: {{sport.public_sport_available_games}}

Label Tags for the “secondary events” table

To generate a table of secondary events (games), you should configure the following Label Tags to support your styling on emails.

  • {{label.public_available_games_table_title}} - Optional text to render above the secondary events table. Can be fully customized in font size, color, structure, etc.

  • {{label.public_sport_available_games_table}} - will hold the HTML for table structure with inline CSS. Can be fully customized table width, size, padding, etc.

  • {{label.public_sport_available_games_table_odds_item}} - will hold the HTML for each odd row of the table. Can be fully customized with padding, margins, colors, etc.

  • {{label.public_sport_available_games_table_even_item}} - will hold the HTML fo{{r each even row of the table. Can be fully customized with padding, margins, colors, etc.

Translations for the table columns names:

You can create variations to these label tags for each language supported by your operations.

  • {{label.public_available_games_table_league_header}}

  • {{label.public_available_games_table_team_header}}

  • {{label.public_available_games_table_time_header}}

Campaign Activation

The campaign should be triggered by an event: public_sport_any_sport_in_24h and will be triggered only if some games are selected in the SPORTS section. Make sure to target the same sport type, so your creatives stay valid and not mixed Hockey and Tennis games.

If no secondary events are selected, the secondary events table will be created automatically by our system showing events from the same Sport type, 3 hours before the primary event and 8 hours after, up to 10 events in the table.

Testing your campaign creatives

The campaign will be simulated, but will be executed, so that the user will receive an email, or a popup, will wait for real events, or any other activity configured to happen during the campaign.

All data from the match selected to be tested will be populated in the creative resources as if the event happened.

Example for label tags


<div style="text-align:left;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
	style="width: 90%; color: black; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border: 1px solid #7d7d7d; font-size: 13px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 18px;">
		<tr style="background: #fff;">
			<th style="background: white; padding: 1em; text-align: left;">&nbsp;</th>
			<th style="background: white; padding: 1em; text-align: left;">{{label.available_games_table_league_header}}</th>
			<th style="background: white; padding: 1em; text-align: left;">{{label.available_games_table_team_header}}</th>
			<th style="background: white; padding: 1em; text-align: left;">{{label.available_games_table_time_header}}</th>

{{public_sport_available_games_table_even_item}} - all the sport.* tags are technical tags that the system will replace with secondary events data

<tr style="background: #fff;">
	<td style="text-align: center;">{{sport.counter}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.league}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.home_team}} vs {{sport.away_team}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.event_date_gmt}}</td>

{{public_sport_available_games_table_odds_item}} - all the sport.* tags are technical tags that the system will replace with secondary events data

<tr style="background: #e2f1ff;">
	<td style="text-align: center;">{{sport.counter}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.league}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.home_team}} vs {{sport.away_team}}</td>
	<td style="height: 2em; padding: 1em;">{{sport.event_date_gmt}}</td>

Last updated

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