FAQ: Data Studio & Reports

How can I export the data to Excel?

Switch to the "Table" presentation of data and click on the "CSV" icon in the top area of the table. Be sure that you have the "collapse rows" flag set in order to have a flat table presentation without groping.

How to open CSV file in Excel

If you open CSV in Excel and the data is not set in the proper columns automatically, use the button "Text to columns" in the upper menu of Excel.

What is action + and - in custom reports (campaigns and channels)

Negative action is ("dp:close", "dp:cancel", "dp:unsubscribe", "unsubscribe", "optout", "dp:optout") all the rest are considered and positive, but only in context of the resource interaction, not deposit, withdrawal etc.

I cannot find the specific record in the view

When you are using "Dimensions", by default only 5 records will be shown per group. You can click on the dimension name and select to show more records

Last updated

Change request #417: