Setup steps and checklist


We are assuming that the list of items below is already done during the integration phase;

  • Smartico JavaScript and push notifications files are set up on the websites of the Client.

  • Mail, SMS, and Push gateways are set up. They are needed in order to communicate Gamification activities to the players.

  • Events integration and user profile properties are defined.

  • There is alignment about ‘test users’ definition and a segment of ‘Test users’ is created. Only test users should see the Gamification widget and related communication during the integration period.

Technical details

  • To define a color scheme for the Gamification widget and set of general icons. If multi-branding is required, define schemes per brand.

  • Define an entry point on the website, how the users will access the Gamification Widget. Usually, it is a place in the menu called “Missions” or “Challenges”, and by clicking on it the player will enter the Gamification Widget. Smartico will provide technical details, the Client should implement the placement of the entry point. Note that for the period of integration, such an entry point should be visible only for test users!

  • Translations of main interfaces. If required languages are not translated yet by Smartico, the Client will send a translated CSV file.

For languages which are not yet translated, please contact your account manager to receive a CSV of all keys required to be translated.

Gamification environment

  • Setup Levels with all meta-information (name, description, unlock description etc) and translations if needed.

  • Setup Missions, meta + translations.

  • Setup Leaderboards, winners, rules for leaderboards.

  • Setup Bonus templates, to be used in the Marketplace and Campaigns.

  • Setup Marketplace items, Marketplace categories.

  • Setup ‘Custom sections’ if needed (usually contains gamification rules, points accumulation, T&C, etc)

Communication channels

Inbox messages and real-time campaigns that will reflect main player activities in gamification. There are 5 main activities that could be communicated in realtime as soon as the player is completing relevant actions:

  • “You got X Points”

  • “You completed mission X”

  • “You unlocked mission X”

  • “You are upgraded to Level X”

  • “You took X position in Daily/Weekly/Monthly leaderboard”

Additional communication channels using email and popups

Some campaigns can be delayed and not triggered every time when the player completes an action.

As an example:

  • When a player completes 1st level, send him a Popup with a delay of 30 seconds that he just completed his first level and upgraded to the 2nd.

  • There is a chance that such popup will be missed or ignored by the player (e.g. he is right now in a game iFrame), to support such a case a campaign may send an email with 1-hour delay, assuming the player will end his current online session but will be still notified.

  • There will be players who are completing levels quite fast, in order not to spam them with every level update, such campaigns can be restricted to trigger not more than once an hour.

Visual presentation of such campaign:

The campaign will listen to event Level change and will trigger only for players eligible for communication, and will trigger only once an hour, this way it will not spam players who are upgrading too fast. Please note that in such a case if the player reached a new level during that 1 hour, he will not be notified on that new level.

Last updated

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