❄️February 2024

Smartico release notes for February 2024 - covering CRM Automation and Gamification improvements done since the previous release.

Scheduled Missions with Opt-in

We have added the possibility to enable opt-in on Scheduled Missions. Now you can create a mission that will be available on a specific date and time and when the mission becomes active the opt-in button will automatically appear.

Scheduled mission with Opt-in
Opt-in option in BO

If the mission is set for the future period, it will be displayed under the Locked tab with the date when it will be unlocked and a timer showing the duration period of the mission (for how long it will be available), but without the Opt-in button.

When players have completed a mission, it will be displayed under the Completed tab, without the Opt-in button. Once the period is over and the mission is not completed, it will expire and be displayed under the Missed tab without the Opt-in button.

Generic Daily Lootbox

We have implemented a generic themed ‘Daily Lootbox’, that can be customized according to the operator’s desire. The mechanics of creating the lootbox are the same as the St. Valentine’s Day one, the only difference is that you need to choose the Generic theme from the drop-down when creating the Custom Section.

Generic Lootbox option in the BO

With the Generic Lootbox, you have the flexibility to add your own images directly from the BO. Additionally, you can customize the colors of the cards. Below is a list of the customizable images:

  • Custom section background image for desktop

  • Custom section background image for mobile

  • Image for closed box

  • Image for locked box

  • Image for opened box

The colors of the cards can be changed by request

If you don’t upload images for the 3 states of the boxes (closed, opened, locked), the default ones will be displayed, and if you don’t upload images for the Custom Section Background, the default color of the skin will be displayed.

Generic Lootbox in the Gamification Widget

Read more in:

Time-Limited Store Items

We have added the ‘Activity Period’ option to store items and you can now select whether items should remain available indefinitely in the store or for a specific period.

Permanent availability: Set an 'Active from' date without an 'Active till' date and the item will stay in the store permanently from the specified date. You can also leave both options empty and the item will be immediately available in the store.

Temporary availability: If you set both 'Active from' and 'Active till' dates, the item will be available from the start date and automatically removed once the end date is reached. You can also set only the ‘Active till’ date; the item will be immediately available in the store and disappear once the end date is reached.

Activity Period option for Store Items

Activity Period for Mini-games

Now you can define when and for how long a mini-game will be available in the gamification widget. We have added the ‘Activity Period’ option to our Mini-games template in the BO.

Permanent availability: Set an 'Active from' date without an 'Active till' date and the game will stay in the gamification widget permanently from the specified date. You can also leave both options empty and the mini-game will be available immediately.

Temporary availability: If you set both 'Active from' and 'Active till' dates, the mini-game will be available from the start date and automatically removed once the end date is reached. You can also set only the ‘Active till’ date and the game will be immediately available and will disappear once the end date is reached.

Activity Period for Mini-Games

You can now link Missions and Tournaments directly to specific Casino games or Sporting events. We have added a brand new section in the BO named Games Catalog, where you can add the games or the sports events that you want to associate with a mission or tournament. Once the games are configured they can be added to a specific mission or tournament by choosing the ‘Related Games’ option.

Read more about Games Catalog API:

Games Catalog in BO
Adding Related Games to a Mission

For missions: the related games will be visible within the mission pop-up in the gamification widget.

Related Games in Mission

For tournaments: the related games will be visible within the tournament lobby in a separate section.

Related Games in Tournaments

Last updated

Change request #417: