
"Deep links" is the way to navigate the user through the built-in gamification functionality or to the screens specific to the integrated product.

The built-in deep links - in most cases are starting with "gf" prefix, for example, the gf_missions deep link will navigate the user to the screen with a list of the missions.

Product-specific deep links - may have any kind of name, for example, a deep link with the name "cashier" can lead users to the deposit page.

We are strongly encouraging to use of deep links instead of the fixed URLs as they are providing a unified way to lead users to specific screens no matter the channel used - deep links are working the same way for online communication, like Popups & Inbox, and for the offline, like Mails, SMS and Push notifications.

They are also simplifying operational work in the case of multi-brand usage because they are abstracted from the target domain on which a specific brand is set up.

And they can help you to migrate to a new domain, in in case a main domain got blocked or is not available for whatever reason.

Deep links can be executed from the main places in the Smartico system:

  • From the Popup, Push messages, and Inbox messages

  • From the SMS, you can build a message like "Try our new missions dp:gf_missions", the deep link will be replaced dynamically at the time of the sending message and after clicking on the link, the user will land on the main site with the needed deep link executed. The same is working for other IMs like WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, etc.

  • From Mail templates, when building link like <a href="dp:gf_missions">Click here</a>

  • From the main site using javascript call _smartico.dp("dp:gf_missions");

  • Directly by navigating to your site with specific parameters in the URL, e.g. https://smartico.ai/#_smartico_dp=dp:gf_missions

  • From the descriptions of missions, tournaments, mini-games, levels, etc. All places that are supporting HTML or have a dedicated place to put a deep link

Open Mini Game in the Gamification widget

Mini games can be opened as part of Smartico Gamification widget using a Deep Link;

  • dp:gf_saw - will open the mini games section with 1st by priority game

  • dp:gf_saw&id=19 - will open specifically mini game template ID 19

Open Mini Game in standalone mode

Mini games can be opened in standalone mode directly on the operator site when the user clicks on a specific HTML element placed on the website.

  • _smartico.dp('dp:gf_saw&id=19') - will opened game with id 19 in the Gamification widget context

  • _smartico.miniGame(19) - will open Mini-game with id 19 in standalone mode

Deep link
Hide main


Opens main screen of gamification widget


Opens the "Inbox" section inside the gamification widget


Opens separate "Inbox" widget, please refer to the Inbox article explaining the concept of this communication channel and widget


Opens overview screen of missions


Opens one of 4 categories in the missions:

  • overview

  • available

  • locked

  • completed


Opens missions with specific ID


Opens 'Match X' section


Opens a 'Match X' game with specific ID


Opens badges screen


Opens leaderboards section


Open leaderboard of type Weekly, other types

  • 1 - Daily

  • 2 - Weekly

  • 3 - Monthly


Opens main tournaments screen


Opens specific list of tournaments, possible values:

  • all

  • inProgress

  • myTournaments

  • finished


Opens tournament lobby with defined id


Opens tournament lobby with defined id and registers user in it


Opens tournament leaderboard section


Opens bonuses screen


Opens level screen


Opens level details with specified id


Opens Spin The Wheel screen


Opens Spin The Wheel screen with focus on the specific game template


Opens "custom section" with defined ID


Opens store screen


Open store screen with defined category


Open store item with defined id


Opens gamification widget with an interface to change nickname


Opens gamification widget with an interface to change avatar


Triggers "Client action" event that can be used in campaigns, missions, automation rules .etc

Standalone & hide_main parameters

Most deep links related to gamification support "standalone" and "hide_main" parameters.

Adding "&standalone=true" parameter to the deep link will lead to opening only a dedicated section of the gamification widget without the left menu and header. For example, "dp:gf_missions&standalone=true" will open the missions screen like in the screenshot below

Adding "&hide_main=true" to the deep link will focus on the specific element, usually identified with "id". For example, the deep link "dp:gf_missions&id=123&hide_main=true" will open a mission with id 123 in the focus.

Similar way you can trigger the opening of the "Change avatar" interface or "Change nickname" interface ('dp:gf_change_avatar&hide_main=true' and 'dp:gf_change_nickname&hide_main=true')

Mini-games specifics

Mini-games can be called in 3 different ways

  • dp:gf_saw - will open the main gamification widget with a focus on the Mini-games screen

  • dp:gf_saw&id=123 - will do the same, but will focus on specific game template

  • dp:gf_saw&id=123&standalone=true - will open mini-game in standalone mode, see screenshot below

  • dp:gf_saw&id=123&standalone=true&with_games_list=true - will open mini-games in standalone mode, list all available games, and focus on template id 123

Smarico JS SDK can be extended with custom Deep Links, developed by Partner.

An example of a custom Deep Link is “dp:deposit&amount=50&method=PaySafe” which could navigate users to the deposit page on the Partner side with a predefined amount and payment method.

Whenever such Deep Links are implemented they can be used from all the places of the Smartico system and communication resources as a unified way to control user flow.

In order to implement a custom deep link(s), the Partner needs to define a function named __smarticoDPCustom. Example of implementation

function __smarticoDPCustom(dp) {
    switch (dp.action) {
       case 'deposit' : {
           window.location.href = '/deposit/?amount=' + (dp.params.amount ? '&method=' + dp.params.method : '')
       default: {
           return false
   return true;

As soon as deep links are implemented by Partner, they need to be registered on the Smartico side in order to be visible in all the places with auto-complete possibility.

Last updated


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