Override translations on Label/Brand Level

As part of the widget configuration, you can access all translations used in the Smartico Gamification widget. A full list of the translations is available in Smartico BackOffice in the Label \ Translation \ Values section.

You have the possibility to override translations on the Brand level by creating distinct Translation Sets. From the available Translation Values in the Label tab, you have the flexibility to customize the phrases to your preference.

How to override translations:

  1. Go to Translation Sets in the Label tab

  2. Create a Translation Set

  1. Go to Translation Values in the Label tab and select the newly created Translation Set in the top filters

  1. Change the phrases you want to adjust

  1. Go to Brands and assign the newly created Translation Set to the Brand


  • In cases where no Translation Set is set up for a specific brand, the system will use the Translation Set defined on the Label level.

  • If translation on the Label level is not defined it will use the default translation keys that Smartico is offering.

Last updated

Change request #417: